Our brand-new martial arts manga series, “Young Grandmaster Choi,” is out NOW and kicking butt on Amazon Kindle and the Shero Comics webstore!
Our brand-new martial arts manga series, “Young Grandmaster Choi,” is out NOW and kicking butt on Amazon Kindle and the Shero Comics webstore!
Our brand-new martial arts manga series, “Young Grandmaster Choi,” is out NOW and kicking butt on Amazon Kindle and the Shero Comics Webstore! The book is currently the #1 Children’s Manga in new releases on Kindle.
This fun new series is all about six-year-old army brat Rayven Johnson who moves to Seoul, Korea, where she’s adopted by the Choi Family.
Check out the EPIC new trailer below to see Rayven in action!
I am so proud to announce our celebrated manga, Young Grandmaster Choi, has been selected for the…
The Day Is Finally Here! We’re Live On Kickstarter With The Sequel To “Young Grandmaster Choi!”
Back at North Rowan Elementary School, around the first or second grade, one of the greatest storytellers…
After a successful Kickstarter that helped us finance the sequel to Young Grandmaster Choi, a variant cover,…
Young Grandmaster Choi is headed back to Kickstarter on September 10th with the launch of our campaign for Book II.
Last week, we kicked off our “Young Grandmaster Choi” tour in Chicago, IL, at the 2023 American Library Association Conference and Exhibition.